Asset Management & Trust Services

Group retirement, stock ownership and profit sharing plans for businesses of every size.

Tailored investment planning and portfolio management for business and other organizations.

Business succession planning and trust services for individuals who own and manage a business.
Employee Benefits

Attract, motivate and incentivize employees with plans and perks that are sure to please. We offer Group Retirement / 401(k) and IRA plans, employee stock ownership and profit sharing plans, our PREMIER at Work program and more. First PREMIER Bank has a host of solutions for businesses of every size.
Business Planning & Investing
Our dedicated investment professionals work with you to develop a financial plan and strategies to achieve short- and long-term financial objectives.
Diversify your investment and retirement portfolio to achieve your long-term goals with support from a dedicated portfolio manager.
Business Trust Services
Protect your assets and manage the transition of your affairs with business succession planning and trust services from First PREMIER Bank. Working as a part of your team, our Trust Specialists help relieve the burdens associated with trust development and ongoing management, while maintaining the highest standards of fiduciary duty and compliance.

"We work actively with businesses of all sizes to protect and preserve their legacies for the long haul, providing responsive, personal support along the way and serving in a variety of roles to meet client needs."
- Scott Weeldreyer, VP, Investment Management
Unique Benefits of a South Dakota Trust
As such, First PREMIER Bank can help you or your client access our favorable tax and trust laws! First PREMIER Bank can help our clients leverage favorable South Dakota tax and trust laws.
The impact is increased revenue for distribution to beneficiaries of irrevocable trusts with a South Dakota situs.
Most states require a trust to “terminate” at the end of a set period of time (effectively 80 to 100 years). This opens the trust to taxation, potential litigation and disagreements among beneficiaries, etc. Families with substantial wealth may want to see the trust “go on forever.” That can only happen in a state that has no rule against perpetuities - like South Dakota. Trust administration can be delegated to co-trustees and/or agents of the trustee.
Trustees may disclaim powers granted to a trustee under a trust instrument. A South Dakota trustee can “unbundle” services that the family would prefer to see performed by others, allowing tasks or services to be managed by co-trustees. Services could include investment management, custody of assets, record keeping, etc.
South Dakota Directed Trust Law permits protectors and trust advisors, and fiduciaries can be prevented from exercising certain powers that can be reserved to the grantor, a trust protector or a trust advisor.
Contact Trust Services Today
Speak to a Wealth & Asset Management
Specialist today to explore how First PREMIER
Bank can support your needs.
Investments are | Not FDIC insured | May lose value | Not financial institution guaranteed | Not a deposit | Not insured by any federal government agency. Advisory services may only be offered by investment adviser representatives.